March 19, 2008

great american meatout

Not only is tomorrow the first day of spring (woohoo!). but tomorrow is the Great American Meatout. What is a Meatout, you ask? Well, let me tell you.

The Great American Meatout is the oldest and the largest grassroots diet campaign. It's an event geared towards helping everyone explore the idea of vegetarianism (or veganism) and see what we can each do in our daily lives to help "kick the meat habit," even if only for a day.

Here at Crunchy Granola Baby, we're going to be giving away pamphlets of information about the Meatout and about the benefits of going vegetarian or vegan. We're also going to be giving away adorable little recipe books filled with vegetarian/vegan recipes for yummy meals/snacks, like hummus and olive roll-up or chocolate chip bars.

So if you've been thinking about going vegetarian, then stop by and grab some information. And if you haven't been thinking about going vegetarian, then maybe now is the time.

Other resources to check out:

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