July 2, 2008

just passing along a note . . .

To all you CSA'ers our there, this note pertains to you. Ashley the farmer sent it along, so now I'm just forwarding it along to you.

The newsletter is available by 2 p.m. on Monday. It has a list of the produce for the week and often has pictures! There are recipes for your cooking! The site is under construction but please read the instructions in the newsletter section.

Reminder, DO NOT TAKE THE BOX!!! Fold the box and leave it where the site host requests. Remember to be gracious to your fellow CSA memebers and the site host by being neat, cooperative and enthusiastic! Be aware that your site host is offering their facility whether it be a home or a business to enable you and us at the farm to make connection for the efficient transfer of produce from farm to consumer.

Once again, please navigate our website...any suggestions, kindly foward them to aneforever@aol.com . Thank You in advance for your kindhearted consideration for all of these matters.

Please check out our website heavensharvestfarm.com

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