September 18, 2008

Fashion Fusion

Modern Millie and Cabin Fever are bringing together vintage and contemporary fashion and decor tonight at Fashion Fusion!

Fashion Fusion is a fashion and decor show that will take place tonight at Gulu Gulu Cafe. The show starts at 8pm and features Modern Millie's duds and Cabin Fever's decor and accessories.

But if you visit the pre-show Cocktail Party at Cabin Fever before the show, you can pick up primo seat passes to the fashion show (first come, first serve) AND an extra 10% off discount at both stores for the evening! Cocktail hour starts at 6:30pm.

But if you can't make it to Cabin Fever before the show, that's ok. Modern Millie and Cabin Fever will still let you take advantage of the storewide(s) 15% off sale. Both stores will be open until 10pm for the inspired late-night shopper.

And the best part? Free admission to the Fashion and Decor Show at Gulu Gulu! But donations are accepted since all proceeds will benefit the Northeast Animal Shelter.

*PS: DJ John will be spinning for all you hip cats.

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