November 20, 2008

What's Happening

I know. I know. We haven't been keeping up with our posting and I apologize.

So I'm going to use this 100th post to pass along all of the updates that have been happening at CGB, most of which are the reason we haven't been posting. We're just so busy!

First and foremost: A North Shore Birth Center Update:
As many of you know, there is a very serious move to close the North Shore Birth Center, a midwifery practice situated on the campus of Beverly Hospital in Beverly, Massachusetts.
On Tuesday, November 18, 2008, the Board of Trustees of the Northeast Health Corporation considered the proposal to close the Birth Center. During that early-morning meeting, nearly 200 people–adults, children, and babies–bundled up against the cold and held a rally. This rally advocated for the same things as previous efforts, which included a letter-writing campaign, daily picketing, and an open letter to the Board.
A delay of the vote on the Birth Center’s fate, since such an important decision with long-term consequences for our community should not be rushed, and
A meeting between community members and the Board of Trustees, to seek more transparency about the Hospital’s concerns and to open some dialogue that would allow the community–which had thus far felt silenced by hospital administration, which refused to communicate with representatives of our campaign–a real voice in this decision.
Featuring energetic speakers, colorful signs, and lots of cheering, the rally outside of Beverly Hospital made headlines: All the major Boston television stations, newspapers, and radio stations covered the story.
Several hours after the Board of Trustees met, the hospital released the following four-sentence statement.
The Board of Trustees takes its responsibilities to this organization and to the community very seriously.
Consistent with other birth centers around the nation, the North Shore Birth Center is experiencing a significant rise in the cost of malpractice insurance premiums.
The Board of Trustees is diligently weighing the impact that the closure of the Birth Center would have on the community; the level of community interest in its continued operation has not gone unnoticed. The Board intends to leave the Birth Center services unchanged while it continues to examine and discuss this important issue.
In other words, our rally and other efforts were a success! The Board of Trustees recognized the need to move slowly and give the proposal full deliberation.
However, we are not out of the woods yet. As the Boston Globe points out, this statement “ma[kes] it clear that the center’s future is still very much in question.” We still need your help!
Thanks so much to everyone who devoted their time and efforts to help save the Birth Center. We couldn't have done it without the grassroots support of so many wonderful families and individuals!
For all the details and how to help visit

Secondly: Thanks to everyone who took part in our "Friends of Forest River Park Toy & Wine Night." We raised nearly $1200 for the new playground at Forest River Park and almost everyone involved walked away with some great raffle items and a good wine buzz!

Just kidding about the wine buzz.

Third: We have a new featured artist!

Scott Froeschl is an artist living on the North Shore of Boston, Massachusetts. His passion is painting in acrylics on a myriad of surfaces, anywhere from traditional canvas to the heads of screws. Photography is also an avenue of creativity for Scott, as well as sculpture and multimedia.

Scott's photography will be featured at Crunchy Granola Baby through January. For more, visit Scott's website.

Fourth: For the next few months, CGB will be accepting donations on behalf of GreenSchools. GreenSchools is a non-profit organization whose mission is to create "greener" and healthier learning environments.From reducing, reusing & recycling; nutrition; to indoor air quality, greenschools is making the world a healthier, more environmentally responsible place in which we live.

So the next time you have a gift wrapped at CGB, please donate to GreenSchools!

Fifth: We have tons of new products arriving everyday! Plan Toys, Nature BabyCare, Kleen Kanteens, and more! Be sure to stop in and start stocking up for the holidays!

So stay tuned to the blog for more consistent updates about whats happening at CGB!

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