December 27, 2008

Winter CSA

Do you crave fresh produce in the dead of winter? Do you want to support organic farms?

A CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) is a way for people to build a relationship with a farm. By making a financial commitment to a farm, the people become “shareholders” of the CSA and receive weekly baskets of produce. It’s a perfect (and affordable) way to eat healthy and support organic farming.

And this winter, Crunchy Granola Baby has teamed up with Heaven’s Harvest Farm in New Braintree to provide you with a unique opportunity – the chance to become a shareholder in a Winter CSA.

Heaven's Harvest Farm will be introducing the winter share after the holidays, and it will run for eight weeks through January, February and March. Dates and pickup times have yet to be determined, but Crunchy Granola Baby will keep shareholders posted.

*Please Note: You MUST pick up your produce! Although we will donate leftover shares to local shelters, we strongly prefer if you could simply pick up your share. If you absolutely cannot pick up your produce, please arrange for a friend to pick it up or call in advance so we can make prior plans with a local shelter. Thank you.

All produce is guaranteed organic and comes from farms in Florida, North Carolina and locally from Enterprise Farm. Produce will include: apples, arugula, cabbage, carrots, kale, corn, cucumbers, mustard greens, garlic, onions, green beans, oranges, peppers, potatoes, thyme, squash, turnips and tomatoes. Shareholders have a choice between a full and half share.

Prices are as follows:

8 Week Half Share: $240
8 Week Full Share: $352

*Please Note: Half shares are for 2 or fewer people who will not be big veggie eaters. A full share is easily eaten by 2 or more people in a week.

Register at Crunchy Granola Baby as soon as possible. Checks should be made out to Heavens Harvest Farm and dropped off (or mailed) to Crunchy Granola Baby.

Include your:

Phone #

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Jennie Cudmore or Amy Tetreault at 978.741.0800 or at

About Heaven’s Harvest Farm: Located in New Braintree, Heaven’s Harvest Farm is committed to organic farming and sustainable practices. The farm is certified organic and a member of the Northeast Organic Farming Association (NOFA). Currently in their thirteenth year of farming, Heaven’s Harvest grows over 50 kinds of veggies and small fruits. They also pride themselves on their relationship with their shareholders, sending out weekly emails packed with information about the share’s produce and unique recipes.

1 comment:

  1. I'd love to do this, but I don't know how wide the window is for picking up the produce. I work four jobs, so I'm not always in town at a reasonable hour, but if the pickup can be done from a porch at odd hours or something like that, I'd love to participate!
