January 22, 2009

Get Creative for the Playground!

Parents United of Salem needs auction items, raffle baskets and food/wine/beer for its upcoming Spring Equinox Celebration, a playground fundraiser to be held at historic Hamilton Hall on the first Saturday in spring, March 21, from 7 to 10 p.m.

They are looking for auction items, baskets to raffle, and restaurants/caterers/liquor retailers to donate wine, beer, and food (hors d'oeuvres and desserts to be paired with wine/beer) ... and they need your help brainstorming.

In addition to items (current donations include Red Sox tickets and a painting by a local artist) Parents United welcome services (current donations include a session with a local photographer and Italian lessons).

They also encourage interested individuals to group together and offer an auction item - host a dinner party, kids' birthday party, babysitting sessions - or come up with a theme (Baby? Barbecue? Beach?) and put a basket together for our raffle.

Each item donated will receive 1 free ticket, worth $50. Because Parents United is a nonprofit, we can provide tax receipts for donations if you provide them with the value.

Parents United would also love for you to forward this to all your connections in the area (or out!).

For more information or to send ideas or offer items/services, contact the committee at salemcommon@gmail.com.

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