March 28, 2009

CGB Lending Library

Crunchy Granola Baby is introducing a Lending Library!

Simply swing by the shop and peruse our (growing) collection of books and DVD’s. If you see something you like, borrow it!

Books can be checked out for two weeks and DVD’s for one week. If you’re spending your time chasing after a toddler (or catering to a baby) and haven’t quite finished your book/DVD, then feel free to call and renew your item for an additional time period.

And please note, we ask for a fully refundable $20 deposit on DVD’s.

So far, our library includes (but is not limited to):

  • “Our Babies, Ourselves” by Meredith F. Small
  • “Infant Massage” by Vimala McClure
  • “Spirit Babies” by Walter Makichen
  • “You Are Your Child’s First Teacher” by Rahima Baldwin Dancy
  • “Baby Signs” by Linda Acredolo and Susan Goodwyn
  • “Better Basics for the Home” by Annie Berthold-Bond
  • “Raising Baby Green” by Alan Greene
  • “The Vaccine Book” by Dr. Robert Sears (2 copies)
  • “Birthing from Within” by Pam England and Rob Horowitz
  • “Operating Instructions” by Anne Lamott
  • “Nursing Mother, Working Mother” by Gale Pryor
  • “The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding” from La Leche League Int’l
  • “Baby Catcher: Chronicles of a Modern Midwife” by Peggy Vincent
  • “The Breastfeeding Source Book” by M. Sara Rosenthal
  • “The Fussy Baby Book” by William & Martha Sears
  • “The Birth Book” by William & Martha Sears
  • “The Baby Book” by William & Martha Sears
  • “The Nursing Mother’s Companion” by Kathleen Huggins
  • “The Earliest Relationship: by T. Berry Brazelton and Bertrand G. Cramer
  • “Healing the Child Within” by Charles L. Whitfield
  • “Positive Discipline for Preschoolers” by Jane Nelsen, Cheryl Erwin and Roslyn Duffy
  • “Pushed” by Jennifer Block
  • “Your Vegetarian Pregnancy” by Dr. Holly Roberts
  • “Natural Mothering” by Nicky Wesson
  • “A Good Birth, A Safe Birth” by Diana Korte and Roberta M. Scaer
  • “Homeopathic Medicine for Children and Infants” by Dana Ullman
  • “Homeopathy for Pregnancy, Birth and Your Baby’s First Year” by Miranda Castro
  • “Your Baby and Child: From Birth to Age Five” by Penelope Leach
  • “Aromatherapy” by Vivian Lunny
  • “The 2008/2009 Guide to a Healthy Birth”
  • Massachusetts Breastfeeding Resource Guide: 2008 Edition”

We also have DVD's such as The Business of Being Born, Indigo and The 11th Hour, as well as back issues of Mothering and Brainchild magazines.

See something you like that our lending library doesn’t have? Let us know!

Really, we’re running our Lending Library like any other lending library. But if you have questions, please feel free to contact Jennie or Amy at 978.741.0800.

Happy Reading! (Or DVD watching)

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