March 14, 2009

Learn about Learning

Learn How They Learn: Why Touch, Movement, and Love are So Important For Childhood Development. Monday, March 16 at 7PM

Recent findings related to brain development have unveiled the importance of healthy play and movement in every child’s development and adult’s life. It is now well considered that not only does a child learn to move, but they also move to learn. The sensory input of proprioception (the body’s ability to sense its position in space) is a nutrient to the brain that has long standing effects on cognitive skills. What happens when we take away a child’s natural expression to move? Their cerebellar development may be stifled resulting in decreased cognition as well. How does love shape the child’s cerebral cortex? This session will offer insights into the current research and practical tools that we can use when working with our children.

About the Instructor: Dr.Gerald Gould has been assisting children achieve greater neurological development for 9 years. A Massachusetts Board certified chiropractor, Dr. Gould has been teaching parents about the importance of movement and play in the early stages of childhood development. Dr. Gould is a co-author of the Tides corporation sponsored study called Health And Neurological Development Study (H.A.N.D.S) that researched the effects of postural training, vertebral adjustments, craniosacral therapy, and Active Healing Therapy on neurologically challenged children.

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