March 24, 2009

Why Organic Mattresses (and Bedding)?

Most infants spend more time asleep than awake during the first few years of life. And much of that time is spent in a crib outfitted with a mattress. So what’s the difference between a typical mattress and an organic mattress?

Typical Mattresses: Typical mattresses are made of cheap petroleum-based synthetics, which are non-renewable and harmful to the earth. Additionally, mattresses tend to contain treated materials such as polyurethane foam, vinyl (PVC), phthalates, chemical fire retardants or barriers, and other added industrial chemicals. In other words: not organic.

Typical Mattress Effects on Children: Our mattress wholesale company Naturepedic states it clearly on their site: “Just as lead paint was once widespread before it was recognized as toxic and banned, many components of today’s baby mattresses, even though currently legal, are likely to eventually be banned as well. In fact, certain chemicals which have been widely used in baby mattresses for many decades have already been banned and/or voluntarily removed over the last few years with more sure to follow.”

Organic Mattresses: Organic mattresses are made from natural and organic materials. They provide a chemical free sleeping environment, which results in less exposure to treated materials and potentially harmful chemicals. They provide firm support, fire protection (Naturepedic uses Flamebreak, a non-toxic and naturally derived fire barrier system that is safe and effective and that meets and exceeds all Federal and State flammability standards without the use of potentially harmful chemicals), and an heirloom quality product that is safe for your child and Mother Earth.

If you seek out organic foods or organic clothing for your child (or yourself), then why not let them reap the benefits of an organic nights sleep?


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