August 18, 2009

New Music Classes for Kids!

Kellie Cormier of Music Together is launching a few new endeavors! And although she won't be teaching Music Together any longer, she is focusing solely on creating her own classes and teaching to all ages.

Her new classes for the 0-4 age is called Sing Baby Sing and you can find out more here. Here's Kellie's description of the class:

"During a typical 30 or 45 minute class, we will sing age appropriate songs, counting songs, action songs and nursery rhymes. A wide range of instruments and props are also used including egg shakers ,bells, drums, puppets, scarves, percussion instruments, which help to engage your child's attention and bring our sessions to life.

Sing baby Sing classes let your child experience different types of music, experiment with a variety of instruments and explore their 'singing voice'."

Classes begin September 21 and registration is currently underway. To register, or learn more about Kellie's classes, visit

1 comment:

  1. What a nice blog you have..thanks for all this information.
