September 12, 2009

New Class: Sing Baby Sing

Sing Baby Sing is a special introduction to the wonderful world of music.

The baby class is an opportunity for parents to improve their own singing skills, which is done by learning new songs, dancing to new tunes, making music as a group, and learning about and playing instruments. These abilities and songs are then passed on to your children over time. Attending theses classes puts in place an organized structure for you and your child about music and singing and to share it. Your child will respond to being surrounded by people singing together.Through songs, fingerplays, soothing lullabies group instrument exploration, the babies are exposed to a wide variety of songs and musical pieces.

Sing Mommy Sing is for babies 0 - 6 months old. The price is $145 for an 8 week session, with one 30-minute class each week. To register contact Kellie directly at or call her 781-990-3165.

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