September 14, 2009

Special Request

We just received this news from the director of Fox Hill School about Tommie's class mate well actually more than class mate she is his lunch mate too (they are both gluten free so they get to eat together)

I am writing to request your assistance in helping one of our Fox Hill families. A returning student to our classroom upstairs. On July 1st, she and her family suffered a terrible loss. Their home, and all its contents, was lost to a fire. Luckily they were away at the time and were unharmed, but they have literally lost everything. We would like to organize a clothing drive. They are in need of fall and winter clothes. If you have any clothes, shoes, coats, etc (see sizes listed below) that you can donate to this family, it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your assistance. It means a lot to us to know that our Fox Hill family can come together to help a family in their time of need.

2 girls:
Size 4-5T and 9 1/2-10 shoe.

Size 3T and 7 1/2 -8 shoe.

We are so lucky to have such a giving community. I know we will receive many donations.
You can drop the donations off at Crunchy Granola Baby.
And thank you all so much!

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