October 17, 2009

Althea's Birth Story

Althea was born on September 29th at the North Shore Birth Center. She was 6 lbs 15 oz and 19 inches long. Labor started for us at 2:30 AM on the 29th. We had breakfast out and went for a long walk on the beach followed by a picnic lunch in Marblehead. The day was beautiful and walking played a big part in our early labor coping. We went to the birth center in the evening, where we met our doula, Joy, and Amanda, the midwife who would be attending our birth. Things progressed quickly and we welcomed Althea into our family at 10:51PM. Our experience at the Birth Center was wonderful and played a big part in us having the calm, supported natural birth we were hoping for (thank you North Shore Birth Center and especially Amanda!). - Ajna Pisani

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