December 3, 2009

Winter CSA 2009-2010

Interested in our Winter CSA? Miss the deadline?

No worries! Shares are still available!

The Winter round has started, but you can join now and you be pro-rated for the remainder.

  • Full Winter Share is $585 or 2 equal payments of $292.50
  • Half Winter Shares $425 0r 2 equal payments of $212.50
  • The season runs for 13 weeks, and is broken up into two sessions: First Session (6 wks) runs from Dec. 2 through Jan. 27 Second Session (7 wks) runs from Feb. 3 through March 17.
  • Produce is delivered every WEDNESDAY to CGB, and shareholders then pick up their share between 3 and 5:45. (your share may be available earlier, we will Tweet and Facebook when it arrives)
  • How to Pay: Checks (either the full payment or initial half payment, with second half payment due at start of second session) should be made out to Heavens Harvest Farm and dropped off (or mailed) to Crunchy Granola Baby.Please include: Name, Address, Phone and Email.
  • What to Expect: Apples * Celeriac * Strawberries * Swiss Chard * Collards * Arugula * Green Cabbage * Eggplant * Kale * Spring Onions * Lettuce, many varieties * Grape Tomato * Parsnips * Mustard * Sweet Potatoes * Braising Mix * Cucumbers * Parsley * Baby Bok Choy * Green Bell Peppers * Green Scallions * Summer Squash * Radishes * Cherry Tomatoes * Tatsoi * Zucchini * Potatoes * Snap peas * Tangerine, Honey * Onions * Turnip * Oranges, Red Valencia * Beets * Grapefruit, Red * Dandelion * Rutabaga * Spinach * Sweet Corn * Carrot (Please note: We cannot guarantee that these exact products will be available but we look forward to serving you with fresh organic produce during the winter/spring season.)
Questions? Contact CGB at 978.741.0800 or

And don't forget to check out CGB's CSA Blog to learn more about this program!

Pssst: Looking for a great website to find recipes and yummy CSA idea? Check out Healthy Eats and also learn about wheat berries here.

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