April 7, 2010

Upcoming Breastfeeding Classes

Working Mothers Breastfeeding Group: Monday, April 12 @ 7:15PM
Meeting the needs of a breastfed baby can be challenging when you are working full or part time (even if you’re working at home!). Come meet other mothers who are also juggling work and breastfeeding. Exchange ideas, get tips & support. Babies welcome! (This mother to mother support group is moderated by Kathy Abbott a certified lactation consultant.) Cost is $ 15 and this group will take place on the second Monday of every month.

The Three Hour, Learn Everything, Breastfeeding Class: Monday, April 19 @ 6:30PM

Learn to avoid breastfeeding obstacles now rather than try to over come difficulties later. For pregnant mothers, including their partner and up to one other support person. What you will learn: Milk production, Feeding cues, Baby led latch, The golden hour, Establishing a good milk supply, Hospitals & the hidden obstacles, What to expect, Getting more sleep, What dad can do
Shower gifts and gadgets, How to bottle feed a breast fed baby, Friends & Foes, Avoiding post partum depression, Solids & Weaning, Finding your tribe, etc.

The fee for this class is $90, register directly with instructor Kathy Abbott at 978-922-4289 or abbottkathy@comcast.net

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