May 13, 2010

CGB Introduces Bicycle Benefits!

CGB is kicking off a new program: Bicycle Benefits!

Bicycle Benefits is a progressive bicycling program designed to reward individuals and businesses for their commitment to cleaner air, personal health, and the use of pedaling energy in order to create a more sustainable community. The program's continual growth decreases parking demand, increases helmet use, and improves cyclists' safety and health by putting more people on bikes.

Purchase a $5 reflective Bicycle Benefits helmet sticker from CGB and you're immediately entitled to discounts and rewards at local businesses and restaurants around town when you show your Benefits sticker.

For example: Bike to CGB and show us your Bicycle Benefits helmet sticker and we'll give you 15% off one item!

So far, CGB and Salem Cycle are blazing the trail for other Salem shops to join this innovative program. So if you like the idea, encourage your favorite shops to join! Together we can make Salem a more dynamic bicycling city!

And your Bicycle Benefits sticker isn't just good in Salem, it works in any Bicycle Benefits community. Check 'em out here.

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