May 27, 2010

Meet the CGB Staff!

Since our fearless leader will be M.I.A. for some of the summer months (as well as the fall), the CGB staff wanted to formally introduce ourselves.We're all very enthusiastic Crunchy Granola Baby-ers and Jennie has trained us well, so please feel free to direct any questions/comments/ideas to Amy, Erin, or Kim. After all, Jennie needs to concentrate on getting ready for the newest addition to her family!

Amy Tetreault is Crunchy Granola Baby's manager and marketing guru, as well as a marketing/pr coordinator at Tree Care Industry Association and freelance journalist. With a bachelors in communications and a masters in journalism, her work has appeared in various publications, particularly North Shore Art Throb. When she's not staring intensely at her iBook screen, Amy is reading, exploring, listening to NPR, riding her Giant bicycle, enhancing her concert resume, and plotting her next travel adventure. Learn more about Amy at her website,

Erin LeColst has been working at CGB intermittently for two years now. Erin is a history teacher for both middle school and high school students and an avid sewer. She makes everything from quilts to cloth diapering accessories! After having a baby, she took some time off from teaching and now works part time at CGB. She is passionate about veganism, politics, history, and the she loves to discuss cloth diapering, breastfeeding, and birth stories. Crunchy Granola Baby is a perfect fit!

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