July 2, 2010

Cloth for the Coast: Diaper Drive for the Gulf

CGB is committed to doing our part for the environment -- whether it's by reducing waste by using cloth diapers, buying locally-made products to lower emissions and create a smaller carbon footprint, or in this case, by reaching out to places in need of some extra help.

We are pleased to announce our in-store diaper drive; CGB will be collecting microfiber towels, pocket diaper inserts, washed / used prefold diapers, baby blankets and burp cloths to be donated for wildlife rescue and clean up through LA organization Cloth for the Coast.

Bring your donations to CGB and help save the environment and the people and animals of the Gulf Coast! All diapers must be free from snaps, elastic or velcro. Bring them in by Monday, July 19th to make our shipping date.

If you have any questions, contact us at crunchygranolababy@gmail.com. If you want to make your own shipment, or you can't get to CGB, you can send your donations to:

FuzziBunz Diapers
ATTN: CFC315 Weeks St
New Iberia, LA 70560
For more info on ways to help, visit communityforthecoast.org

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