August 9, 2010

A new face at CGB!

CGB has a new team member! We are super excited to have Kim Raines on board as the shop's Assistant Manager. Be sure to stop by and meet her! One thing is certain, Kim is never short on words or afraid of a good conversation with our oh-so valuable customers.
More about Kim:

Kim is a native Southern gal from West Virginia who has resided in Salem for nearly 12 years now. She is a former Salem store owner with a background in interior design and writing. Besides being an avid supporter of local businesses, Kim enjoys learning more and more about organic products and going the extra mile for customers. Her zen is cooking, especially with local produce to create rustic yet gourmet meals that she shares with her husband, Eric, and 14-year-old, adopted pug, Comet. Other passions include scouring flea markets for hidden treasures, photography, and all things outdoors.

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