October 21, 2010

Sibling Preparation for the Birth of their Sibling

On Saturday, October 23 CGB will be hosting a sibling preparation class with Nechama Wildanah, CPM, midwife, and women's health educator. This one day workshop for parents and their children is designed to familiarize kids with the sights and sounds of natural birth, so that they feel confident and prepared when the big day comes.

Through interactive activities, games, role plays and art, children will be introduced to the process of birth. Parents will get the information and resources they need to prepare their kids to be present at birth, and will receive lots of tips from a midwife experienced in child-attended births. Kids will make labor noises, gain an understanding of how babies are born, and learn about what laboring moms are like as they concentrate on giving birth. Kids will leave knowing what to expect when their mom is in labor, what it will be like when their new brother or sister is born and how they can be involved and help. They will also make a special present for the new baby, and learn why big brothers and sisters are so important!

Learn more here.

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