November 12, 2010

Participate in Study on Rapid Rise in Cesarean Rate

We are happy to help out Alice Kaufman with her research for the study she is conducting. All the information is below:

Dear all,
My name is Alice Kaufman, and I'm currently a senior at Smith College. I'm working on a thesis project studying cultural causes andexplanations for recent and rapid rises in the cesarean rate in theUnited States, particularly in New England. I am distributing surveys topeople who are involved with pregnancy, labor and birth as caregivers,medical providers and recipients. I am hoping to collect a diverserange of opinions on the topic, as I believe that a cross section ofbeliefs and practices from all facets of society will shed light on thecultural forces surrounding birth. If you live in New England and are currently pregnant, I would reallyappreciate it if you would take part inmy study by filling out my survey for women who are currently pregnant. If you are not currently pregnant but are involved in pregancy and birthas an OB/GYN or a midwife, I invite you to take my survey for healthcare providers. Both surveys are online and anyone who lives in NewEngland and falls into one of the groups listed above is welcome to takethem at any point. The links are as follows: survey for health care providers: survey for currently pregnant women: If you would prefer to fill out paper copies of the surveys please letme know and I'd be happy to mail one to you. Participation in thesurvey is completely voluntary, and I will maintain strictconfidentiality so as to protect anyone who chooses to participate fromcoming to any emotional or social harm as a result. The surveys and theprocedure used to administer them have been reviewed and approved by theInstitutional Review Board at Smith College. If you have any question about my research or would like to talk with mefor any reason, please e-mail me at akaufman and I would behappy to discuss my work with you. I greatly appreciate your interestin my research. I believe that shedding light on the cultural forcessurrounding birth in our culture is important to maintaining andimproving the comfort and health of women and babies. Your assistancewould significantly aid my research and my analysis of this topic.
Thank you for your time,
Alice Kaufman
Smith College
Phone: (617) 791-0218 (617) 791-0218

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