November 9, 2010

Winter 2010- 2011 CSA

It's that time again. We look forward to the winter CSA (community supported agriculture) shares starting up! Citrus Shares will be available this season, details TBA


  • The season runs for 13 weeks, starting the week after Thanksgiving. There will be no delivery the week of December 27th or February 21st.
  • Full Winter Share is $585
  • Half Winter Shares $415
  • 1 dozen Eggs is $78
  • 1/2 Dozen Eggs is $39

*Monthly payment plans are available for those purchasing 3 or more seasons, contact the farm directly for details.

Want To Become A ShareHolder?

  • Register at Crunchy Granola Baby as soon as possible, Print out a registration form at Heaven's Harvest Farm site no later than Nov. 27.
  • Checks should be made out to Heavens Harvest Farm and dropped off (or mailed) to Crunchy Granola Baby. Please include: Name, Address, Phone and Email.

Questions? Contact CGB at 978.741.0800 or