December 12, 2010

Three Hour, Learn Everything, Breastfeeding Class

On Monday, December 13, CGB is proud to host our Three Hour, Learn Everything, Breastfeeding Class. You can learn to avoid breastfeeding obstacles now rather than try to over come difficulties later. You will learn:
  • Milk production
  • Feeding cues
  • Baby led latch
  • The golden hour
  • Establishing a good milk supply
  • Hospitals & the hidden obstacles
  • What to expect
  • Getting more sleep
  • What dad can do
  • Shower gifts and gadgets
  • How to bottle feed a breast fed baby
  • Friends & Foes
  • Avoiding post partum depression
  • Solids & Weaning
  • Finding your tribe
Learn more, including how to register, here.

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