January 16, 2011

Vaginal Birth After Cesarean Exploration and Preparation

Beginning this Thursday, January 20, CGB is introducing a new class: Vaginal Birth After Cesarean Exploration and Preparation.

About one in three women in the U.S. give birth by cesarean, and so many women are facing the question of whether or not vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC) is right for them and their families.

In this class, we will explore what VBAC is, the risks and benefits, why many women are choosing it, and how to access it. You will learn about current VBAC research and get the tools you need to evaluate the options for yourself and decide if VBAC is right for you. Then, we will discuss strategies for VBAC, choosing and finding VBAC friendly care providers, and working with your previous birth experience(s) to have the birth you want. You will learn lots of tips and strategies for VBAC labor and birth, and you and your labor partner(s) will learn about labor support, including techniques specifically for VBAC.

This class includes a lot of discussion and interactive exercises designed to help you explore your options, address any fears you have and give birth confidently, with support and acceptance.

Our instructor Nechama Wildanah is a CPM, midwife and women's health educator who has done a lot of advocacy and community organizing work around access to VBAC and other women's health issues. Nechama graduated from Maternidad La Luz, a midwifery school and birth center on the U.S./Mexico border, in 2006. She has worked in birth centers and homes, and has been privileged to attend births in a variety of cultures, for a very diverse group of women and families. She speaks Spanish. Nechama has a homebirth practice in the Boston area, MotherRoot Midwifery, and also attends births as a doula and provides postpartum support as a certified lactation counselor. She is experienced in attending VBACs, and one of her all-time favorite births involved helping a 14 year old "catch" her baby sister as the two middle sisters looked on. Nechama is very grateful to be able to work with women and families, and is a member of the Massachusetts Midwifery Alliance, International Cesarean Awareness Network and Circle of Health International. In her spare time, Nechama likes to be with friends and family, eat ice cream, make cartoons and read really dorky research studies.

Class fee is $130.00 per couple. You can contact Nechama with questions or to register at motherrootmidwifery@gmail.com or you can call her at 617-717-8598.

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