January 14, 2010

Twitter Tuesdays - Going Green with Kids

Twitter Tuesday took place earlier the week over @CrunchyGranolaB AND on Facebook!

Everyone posted such amazing ideas for our fill-in-the-blank question, but we could only pull ONE name from a hat, so …

Congratulations to Kate O’Brien for winning Twitter Tuesday! And check out ALL our wonderful responses below:

We asked: "The best way to go green w/kids is ________________." You answered:

  • Organic food.
  • Cloth diapers.(Lots of you said cloth diapers!)
  • Free-cycling or donating gently used toys, clothes and baby gear. (Don't forget about our Once Crunched line!)
  • Plant a vegetable garden.
  • Teach them to reduce, reuse, recycle, shop local and eat organic
  • Teach them to respect Mother Earth all around.
  • Roll them on the lawn. They'll certainly be greener after that. (Hehe, that's a good one.)
  • Shop local organic farmer's markets for in season fruits and veggies.
  • Spend a little time outside, every day, from the moment they are born. And let them go butt naked as a way to potty train them.
  • Let them taste a vegetable garden.
  • Let them get dirty.
  • Start potty learning early and replace your diapers with a handful of organic cotton training pants.
  • Use hand-me-downs instead of buying new!
  • Get very creative with whatever's in the recycle bin for craft time.
  • Use glass and metal bottles.

Any other ideas? Post 'em below! And stay tuned to Twitter and Facebook next Tuesday for another great contest and YOUR chance to win a CGB prize.


  1. I don't know why I didn't tweet this, but raise them vegetarian! That's a great thing to do for the environment and their health!

  2. All are great but I have to say "teach them how to Cook Real Food!" not assemble store bought items...

  3. Great comments guys! We totally agree with BOTH!
