January 14, 2010

You Can Cook!

Our good friend Licia is a fantastic cook. And I mean, fantastic.

And now she's launching her own business called Mamma Licia Cooking Lessons!

Discover the pleasure of an authentic Italian homemade meal, handcrafted with natural wholesome ingredients in less time than you think!
Licia will teach you to cook with locally sourced ingredients that are in season and at their peak of freshness and flavor. She will help you create fresh, light and essentially clean pure food the way nature intended it. No processed stuff, GMOs, artificially colored or preserved foods. Love it!

During classes, you will explore the basics that withhold the secrets to it's healthful benefits and help you incorporate this cooking style in your everyday life.

Learn more about Mamma Licia classes here and contact her at .


1 comment:

  1. Licia's classes are great! Good way to learn what to do with all that CSA produce :)
