June 15, 2010

CGB Wants Your Birth Story!

Starting this month, the CGB Blog will be featuring birth stories courtesy of you, our readers and customers! We are committed to our community, and know that by sharing our experiences with each other, we all become enriched, stronger, and better informed.

Every birth is different, and every birth has its own story. How did you imagine your birth? Did you stick to your birth plan, or did you go to plan B (or C)? Did you use a midwife, a doctor, or both? How did you feel before, during, and after your birth?

Send your birth stories to crunchygranolababy@gmail.com, and we may feature it right here on our blog! You can use your name, or send it anonymously. We want to hear from you!

For some great examples of birth stories, check these out. And remember, no matter what your experience, it is valid, and hearing it will help someone else!

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