June 12, 2010

Infant Massage at CGB

CGB is thrilled to host a four-week Infant Massage program. Classes will be facilitated by Christine DiPaolo.

Infant massage is a way in which to bond with your baby through gentle touch. Touch is extremely important to a baby's well-being, especially during the earliest weeks of life. Every time you hold, kiss, cuddle, rock or touch your baby, you are communicating your love for your child.

Infant Massage may provide relaxation for your baby, strengthen immune system, ease discomfort from colic, gas and constipation, increase circulation, aid in digestion, improve sleep, develop a parent-baby bond are a few of the benefits from infant massage.

Classes will be held at Crunchy Granola Baby. Classes will take place from 5:30 to 7PM from Wednesday, June 23 through Wednesday, July 14. Register at CGB - please include a check for $100 made out directly to Christine DiPaolo, your contact information, and the age of your child.

Contact CGB at 978.741.0800 with any questions.

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