February 5, 2011

CGB is Closing

It is with a very heavy heart that I am announcing the closing of CGB.

I'm so grateful for the 4.5 years we've been able to serve the Salem community and beyond. Many of you are like family to me and I'm so glad we've had the opportunity to learn from one another.

Thankfully, a few wonderful Salem shops are stepping up to take over some of our ventures.

Mighty Aphrodite Maternity is a wonderful resource for expecting mothers and will take over the lending library that we've been building. Borrow some books, purchase your maternity clothes and utilize Brett's knowledge. She is an amazing resource and can offer dynamic support for both the expecting and post-partum mom.

The unique classes that CGB has always offered can now be found at Green Tea Yoga. And it's a perfect fit - Segue directly from HypnoBirthing to Prenatal Yoga.

And for our loyal CSA-ers, check in with Milk & Honey. They are working on becoming the new Salem host site, another perfect fit. Pick up your week's fruits & veggies while also collecting your groceries.

These three local shops are just a few examples of the dynamic and thriving Salem community. Please remember that to maintain our exciting and diverse downtown, we must all shop local. It's not just about the products for sale or the classes offered, its about supporting one another and the unique character of Salem.

Although our brick-and-mortar store is already gone (as is the web store), we'll be maintaining our blog, FB, and Twitter as a resource for parents. And if you have questions about cloth diapering, babywearing, or anything else crunchy.... I'm here for you.

Thank you all for your love and support over the years. I will certainly miss you all.

Peace, Love & Fond Memories.



  1. im so heartbroken to read this. you influenced me as a woman and a mother, and no one can replace your place in the community. youre one in a million, and youre going to be so missed.

  2. So sorry to hear this Jennie! I hope you are proud of everything you accomplished. So many people have been grateful for the community you created and the products and services you offered. The infant parent group was a huge help for me when I transitioned to stay at home mom during the summer. I also discovered my new favorite magazine at your store, Brain Child! Thank you so much and best of luck with your next endeavor!

  3. Jennie, I am so sad to hear this. Thank You for being such a wonderful resource and kind generous presence in the community!
