February 27, 2011

What's Next? . . .

So it’s been a little over a month since we closed the store. Although I still can’t express my feelings adequately, I’ll try. I’ve read every single email, post, tweet and note. I’m in awe. It’s so surreal to me that I’ve made a difference to so many people and I’m completely overwhelmed….in the most amazing way. I hope you all understand how much you mean to me, and how your thoughts have influenced me. What a gift! Since closing CGB, I’ve been able to spend more time with my boys and I’m so thrilled with the adventures we’ve had. And although I’ve still been updating our Facebook and Twitter, I recently decided to close both accounts. I cannot duplicate what CGB was and it’s time for me to let it go. It's been a sincere pleasure to act as a resource for you all and I thank you, thank you, thank you for all the support and love. Don’t forget to utilize the resources at Mighty Aphrodite, Parents United and Whole Soul Mumma’s blog in the future. They are fantastic and will help you in your journey through parenthood. Peace, Love and Laughter, Jennie, Tom, Tommie and Ben


  1. I don't even HAVE a kid and I miss your shop! So glad I got to be part of it, however round-about.

    I wish you nothing but the best in your future endeavors. May our paths cross again.


  2. Thank you so much for all of that you've done for families in Salem. And thank you for mentioning me, I hope to be resource and in service to parents who want to live naturally on the North Shore. To say CGB will be missed is an understatement, but time with family is priceless.

  3. Jennie,

    I'm sorry to hear that CGB will no longer exist in an online form, but I'm glad that you'll have that time and energy then available to spend on your family and other pursuits.

    On the last day the store was open, I told you that even though the store didn't survive, that just meant there was a perhaps a different platform (than retail) waiting for your passions. In terms of a passion for natural living and parenting, I've thought about what a shame it is for new families to lose both the resource of CGB and Mothering at the same time.

    The final issue of Mothering was digital only, and I'm not sure if you read it, but it's letter from Peggy O'Mara perfectly expressed what I was trying to say, and I think there was a beautiful kismet in that. In talking about the sadness of the magazine not surviving the economic downturn, she wrote, "It forces me to ask myself, 'Am I in the magazine business or the information business?' If I am in the business of providing information and inspiration to parents, then does it ultimately really matter what forms that information and inspiration take?" She then goes on to explain how her goals and passions for the ideas within the magazine will live on in other formats and ventures.

    I just want you to know that in the end of CGB as an online presence, I definitely don't foresee this as the end of your promoting natural parenting, just an eventual redirect. Everyone I've heard talking about the store has expressed the same sentiment. Whatever path you choose to follow in promoting this way of life, there are so many people cheering you on and who are so grateful for the gifts of wisdom you've already given them. I know for a fact that I wouldn't be the mother I am today if it weren't for you and CGB. Thank you so much for that.
