The Time for Lunch Campaign is a project of Slow Food USA, an educational non-profit with the goal of creating a world in which everyone can enjoy food that is good, clean and fair.
This year, they're asking parents, teachers and every responsible citizen to speak up and tell our nation's leaders that change can’t wait: It's time to provide our children with REAL FOOD at school.
And we're happy to say: There are now more than 250 Eat-Ins taking place on Labor Day for our National Day of Action to give kids real food at school and organizers in all 50 states have joined the effort. So get involved.
If there isn’t an Eat-In in your area, sign up to host your own. All you need to do is gather with friends for a Labor Day potluck, take a photo (the more creative, the better) and send it to us on Sept. 7 to show your support.
It's also important to sign the petition, so we can tell Congress that there’s no excuse for federal policy that forces schools to serve the fast food and junk food that endangers children’s health. It’s time to give schools the ability to serve real food, and to begin building a strong foundation for our children’s futures.
Get involved and show the world that healthy food is important to you and your family!