Parents United of Salem is once again organizing a coat, scarf and hat drive for infants, toddlers and kids.
Please drop off items at Crunchy Granola Baby at 72 Washington Street or Mighty Aphrodite Maternity Consignment at 244 Essex Street from NOW until February 1st.
If you have any questions, or would like your items to picked up please contact Melissa Wilson at mailto:melzwilson@hotmail.com?subject=HAWC%20Back-to-School%20Drive
We Have a New Adopted Family!
As the Holidays quickly approach, Parents United of Salem needs your help. This will be the 4th year that Parents United of Salem has adopted a family for the Holidays. Every year the generosity of our community continues to surpass our expectations. Last year we were even able to provide a Christmas Holiday to two families in need!During this time, we provide our adopted family with a full Thanksgiving Meal and we also work together to provide them with an entire Christmas Holiday! We know that by working together and everyone giving a little we have made a significant impact on the Holidays for families that really need it.
If interested in helping, please specify if you are interested in donating:
- a meal item (specify Thanksgiving, Christmas or both)
- a Christmas wish list item
- a Christmas tree
- a monetary donation
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