April 29, 2008
stroller strides!
Tomorrow is the Grand Opening of Stroller Strides! Come to CGB at 9:30am and take part in a free Stroller Strides class! The class will depart from CGB and walk to Salem Common for a one-hour workout, returning to CGB after class. Upon return, enjoy light refreshments, a CGB raffle and the opportunity to sign up for Stroller Strides classes.
Stroller Strides classes meet weekly, every Mon / Wed / Friday from 9:30-10:30 am. Classes meet and end at CGB and all participating students will receive 5% off any CGB purchases following class.
Hope to see you at CGB tomorrow morning, at 9:30 sharp!
Oh, and does anybody know what today is? Besides Tuesday, April 29. Free Cone Day at Ben & Jerry's! Did we mention how much we love living next door to Ben & Jerry's?!
April 23, 2008
new products: star slings

Included with each sling is a 10-page instructional booklet, "The Science and Fine Art of Babywearing," describing the philosophy of babywearing as well as clear and detailed instructions on how to wear your baby. Also included is a linen sachet containing wild-harvested lavender, renowned for its calming and balancing properties.
Star slings are machine-washable, guaranteed for life and 2% of the profits from each sling are donated to the Transition House for Abused Women and Children in Fredericton N.B.
In addition to the Star Slings, we still carry our other favorite babywearing brands like Ergo, Maya Wrap and Calin Bleu.April 22, 2008
CGB Loves Mother Earth
April 19, 2008
composting for carlton
Besides hosting the workshop, Crunchy Granola Baby also sold raffle tickets to help raise money for the Carlton School. In the end, Smoky the dog (along with his family) went home with the compost bin prize and we raised over $100 for the Carlton School!
Thanks again to Andrea and Jacob, and thanks to all those who purchased raffle tickets and learned about composting. Nothing is better than combining a school fundraiser with an environmental workshop!
Couldn't make it to Composting for Carlton this morning? Here are a few tips:
- Why Compost: produce free fertilizer, reduce landfill waste, reduce stinky trash, reduce greenhouse gases and keep nutrients in the natural cycle.
- Materials: container (make one from a trash can by drilling holes with 1" hole saw) or purchase one from the Salem DPW), shovel, rebar, kitchen container and thermometer.
- Carbon to Nitrogen Ratio: you need to have a 4 to 1 carbon to nitrogen ratio. materials high in carbon (often called "browns") include wood chips. paper, bark, leaves, etc. materials high in nitrogen (often called "greens") include grass clippings, coffee grounds, vegetable waste, cow/horse manure, etc.
- Other Notes: keep the pile aerated. some materials compost more easily than others, so be patient.
April 17, 2008
Jennie = BusinessWoman of the Year
Jennie Cudmore, CGB owner extraordinaire, was awarded Businesswoman of the Year for 2007 at last night's "86th Annual Celebrate Salem Awards Dinner."
We would like to extend a big congratulations to our favorite businesswoman/mom and thank her for all her hard work and dedication in creating not just a store, but a community.
Check out The Salem News story here.
Check out The Salem Gazette story here.
(Pssst Jennie... Sorry for using the old Globe photo, I didn't have anything more recent!)
April 15, 2008
7 days a week
Starting in May, CGB will be open seven days a week!
That means you can come visit us everyday, including Mondays!
Come hang out in our playroom, shop our new merchandise and visit Jennie, Amy and our newest employee, Lauren.
Woohoo for summer hours!
April 12, 2008
what's your human footprint?
Since the average American baby wears 3,796 diapers during his/her lifetime, the producers of "Human Footprint" stack 3,796 diapers on top of one another to make sure the statistic really hits home. And, don't worry, they also go into details about how much oil, plastic and wood pulp it takes to make each diaper. Depressing, sure. But maybe the images (combined with all the facts and details) are enough to make viewers rethink their daily lives.
So check out "Human Footprint" this Sunday at 9pm on National Geographic Channel. Who know's what you'll see.
April 11, 2008
..and still there is more

April 10, 2008
just keep swimming...

April 9, 2008

Are you a fan of the ultra-sophisticated Bugaboo stroller? Visit our friends at Hip Baby Gear up in Marblehead (or stop by CGB) for some interesting information about the 2007 strollers...and how you just might be able to afford this luxurious baby item.
April 3, 2008
spring is here, and so is Kate Quinn!
Be sure to stop by CGB soon and check out our adorable new spring clothes!
April 1, 2008
Jennie's Trip to the Le Leche League Seminar
Besides hanging out with other moms, though, I also managed to attend a few lectures.
My favorite was the excellent vaccine lecture given by Dr. Sears. He only spoke for an hour, but still managed to explain tons of information. For those interested, I would recommend his book, titled simply "The Vaccine Book." And while I am still not vaccinating Tommie at this point, I'll certainly follow Dr.Sears' schedule and vaccine manufacturer recommendations if I decide to vaccinate Tommie in the future.
I also attended a lecture on Toddler Attachment Parenting. Just when I thought maybe it was time for Tommie to try sleeping alone, my AP ideas were perfectly reinforced. Of course its ok for a toddler to co-sleep! So I'm glad I attended the lecture about how to be a toddler attachment parent, it reinforced everything that already feels right - co-sleeping, nurturing, meeting every demand. Haha.
I also spoke with someone who attended Dr. Sears' talk that evening at 7:30 (too late for me), which I guess delved into the science of AP. She said it was very good; he included lots of data and studies done on AP style parenting. I'm interested in this idea of the "science" of AP and was wondering if anyone could recommend a book / article / journal that includes such information? (I'd love any recommendations to be posted in the Comments section below this post, that way we can all keep informed about the science of our parenting)
All in all, it was a fun and informative day in Chelmsford. =)